Josiah Hultgren

A poet once said, “The whole universe is in a glass of wine.” We will probably never know in what…

Ever notice that sometimes people don’t communicate  well?  One of the main culprits is a specific limitation of the human…

Harvard neuroscientists did a little experiment on 16 people who took an eight-week Mindfulness-based stress reduction course, or MBSR for…

Best-selling author and neuroscience expert Mark Waldman developed a powerful tool to stop the brain from ruminating on problems, fears…

yù yī – 玉衣 n. the desire to see with fresh eyes, and feel things just as intensely as you…

18 new studies show that you can increase the chances you’ll reach your goals through a thought-technology called ‘mental contrasting’….

Much to the horror of puritanical rodents, researchers found that when rats become chronic sex fiends, they develop more powerful…

“Your life is written in indelible ink. There’s no going back to erase the past, tweak your mistakes, or fill…

Being happy is a great idea. BUT there are some gotchas to look out for if you’re a tad TOO…

An earlier post covered how affirmations increase activity in “goal-achievement” areas of the brain. It also turns out that, according…

A fascinating discussion with Steven Kotler, Executive Director at the Flow Research Collective, and Jason Silva was released by Shots…