Brain Hacks

Most people think of yawning as just a sign of either being as bored as a sentient statue, or needing…

Only just thinking about positive outcomes is pretty flimsy foundation for optimism and self-esteem.  A strong foundation needs reinforcement. To…

Best-selling author and neuroscience expert Mark Waldman developed a powerful tool to stop the brain from ruminating on problems, fears…

It is a common misconception that creativity is like some sort of creature from alternate dimension that needs a proper…

“Life is sometimes hard. Things go wrong, in life and in love, and in business, and in friendship, and in…

Harvard neuroscientists did a little experiment on 16 people who took an eight-week Mindfulness-based stress reduction course, or MBSR for…

Another day of feeling like a complete failure because you can’t manage to get out of bed. It’s a fun…

Admission: I’m often forgetful. In fact, I’ve forgotten more things than I can remember.   But, don’t get too smug….

It’s a well-known fact that meditating and being mindful are excellent for your brain. It makes you smarter, healthier and…

Much to the horror of puritanical rodents, researchers found that when rats become chronic sex fiends, they develop more powerful…

A fascinating discussion with Steven Kotler, Executive Director at the Flow Research Collective, and Jason Silva was released by Shots…