
Harvard neuroscientists did a little experiment on 16 people who took an eight-week Mindfulness-based stress reduction course, or MBSR for…

Most people think of yawning as just a sign of either being as bored as a sentient statue, or needing…

Hard to swallow pill: Prejudice is rooted in human nature. Our minds naturally divide and categorize, favoring one group over…

It is a common misconception that creativity is like some sort of creature from alternate dimension that needs a proper…

You know when someone mentions “consciousness” at a party and everyone nods like they have some sort of deep understanding? …

“Stressed out? Adds up. But don’t worry, here are some of the best ways to give your brain a break…

Empathy is the ability to “put yourself in the shoes” of other people and deeply connect with their experiences. The…

✨ Just so you know… There is now a much cooler version of this post, IMHO. This old one mostly…

NOTE: This article is intended for educational purposes only. If you are struggling with trauma, we highly recommend that you…

It’s a well-known fact that meditating and being mindful are excellent for your brain. It makes you smarter, healthier and…