Emotional Intelligence

Thanks to evolution, mammalian brains are jealous af. Anytime anyone infringes on our  “territory” (land, family, lover, money, etc.), human…

“Stressed out? Adds up. But don’t worry, here are some of the best ways to give your brain a break…

“When I wish to find out how wise, or how stupid, or how good, or how wicked is any one,…

Our pace of technological advancement is changing our lives exponentially. It’s exciting to think about what is around the corner. We…

Some people talk like they’re auctioneers on speed, while others speak like that one sloth in Zootopia. But, most of…

You know when someone mentions “consciousness” at a party and everyone nods like they have some sort of deep understanding? …

Recent studies have revealed a strong correlation between brain characteristics and an individual’s political views. In fact, one study showed researchers could…

Harvard neuroscientists did a little experiment on 16 people who took an eight-week Mindfulness-based stress reduction course, or MBSR for…

“Life is sometimes hard. Things go wrong, in life and in love, and in business, and in friendship, and in…

Best-selling author and neuroscience expert Mark Waldman developed a powerful tool to stop the brain from ruminating on problems, fears…

Hard to swallow pill: Prejudice is rooted in human nature. Our minds naturally divide and categorize, favoring one group over…

Only just thinking about positive outcomes is pretty flimsy foundation for optimism and self-esteem.  A strong foundation needs reinforcement. To…