This short film by Lisa Östberg triggers FOMO for living more mindfully.
“Against a backdrop of magnificent landscapes and epic tableaus, banal conversations take place between characters who are comically oblivious to their surroundings.”
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Why Too Much Stress is Enemy #1 to Your Brain Performance
✨ Just so you know… There is now a much cooler version of this post, IMHO. This old one mostly

‘Observe the Heart’ Creates Beautiful Visuals from Meditating Brains
SHI Weili created a new, brain-wave-driven art installation called Observe the Heart. The piece aims to make manifest one’s inner experience

18 Science-backed Ways to Hack Jealous Communication
Thanks to evolution, mammalian brains are jealous af. Anytime anyone infringes on our “territory” (land, family, lover, money, etc.), human

How Shortening Your Meditation Can = Bigger Results
It’s a well-known fact that meditating and being mindful are excellent for your brain. It makes you smarter, healthier and